Shekinah Health & Wellness Center

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What is Upper Cervical Chiropractic?




chiropractic treatment works on the first two bones in




neck called the upper


cervical spine,


overall health of your body. Signals go


back and forth between the brain and spinal  to every cell, organ and system in the body. communication between the brain and body is sent to the nervous system by the brain stem. Any irritation to the central nervous system can create a miscommunication between the brain and body, causing the body to become unhealthy. The top two


vertebrae, the


Atlas and Axis, are prone to injury or misalignment because they are the most mobile segments of the spine. If left untreated, an upper cervical misalignment  can lead to irreversible spinal degeneration and chronic ill health. Misalignment of the upper cervical can be caused by physical or emotional stress car accidents, falls, sports injuries, bad posture, job injuries, or even birth trauma. Unfortunately, patients hear about


upper cervical care


only after years of unsuccessful and ineffective traditional treatments. in time, without proper treatment and care, ignoring the care of the upper cervical spine can escalate to severe health problems that may require surgical intervention. Upper cervical care focuses primarily on treating the cause of pain whereas traditional medicine, medication and surgery provide alleviation of the symptoms.


At Shekinah Health, we are very passionate about your wellness and utilize cutting-edge technology to provide you with an accurate diagnosis and a comprehensive course of treatment. The initial consultation combines a digital x-ray and thorough physical exam to diagnosis the problem. From there, the best course of treatment will be determined and your road to recovery will start. Step by step, through the entire course of your treatment, your recovery and progress will be closely monitored through our high-tech thermal


scan. The thermal scan provides scientific data of your recovery and enables us to be committed to you until your complete recovery is realized. It is important that a treatment plan prescribed by the doctor is followed through until the cause of pain is address and properly treated

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325 Clyde Morris Blvd
Ormond Beach, FL 32174
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