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Volusia County accepting CHDO Certification applications from nonprofits.

Written by Kristen Schmutz
Belden Communications News
Volusia County is now welcoming applications from nonprofit organizations keen on achieving certification as a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO). CHDOs, with their local certification, play a crucial role in developing affordable housing within the community.
The CHDO certification unlocks specific opportunities offered through the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) geared towards enhancing the supply of quality, affordable housing and empowering state and local governments to facilitate housing through productive public-private partnerships. The HOME regulations stipulate that Volusia County allocates 15% of its annual funding to CHDOs.
In a forward-thinking move, a subsequent notice outlining funding availability will be disclosed for future certified CHDOs in Volusia County, enabling them to apply for proposed projects. However, it's important to note that CHDOs gaining certification from Volusia County do not automatically secure HOME funding.
Organizations eager to provide CHDO-related services to Volusia County are encouraged to promptly submit their Volusia County CHDO certification applications by Friday, November 17.
Applications are available during office hours (7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.) at the Community Assistance Division office at 121 W. Rich Avenue in DeLand. For additional information and to request an application, contact Dudley Joseph at 386-736-5955, extension 12211, or via email at