Which Side of the Gun Purchase Argument Do You Support? Volusia Council Votes No Waiting Period

The Volusia County Council voted unanimously on Tuesday, March 19, to repeal an ordinance in the county that requires a background check and three-day waiting period to buy a gun from a private seller at a gun show. This law is currently in place and mimics a similar law for licensed gun dealers restricting people from purchasing a gun and walking away with said gun. Rather, after successfully passing a background check, the gun can be delivered after three days. The repeal will need to be voted on again, but would enable anyone, from anywhere, to walk into a gun show like those that take place at the Volusia County Fairgrounds and purchase a gun in the moment.
Those in favor of the repeal site the Second Amendment of the Constitution, saying the law punishes law abiding citizens by making them wait to acquire their purchase. Those opposed to the repeal, several of whom were present and spoke at the council meeting, say the three-day wait does not outweigh the potential hazards which include creating a location where known criminals and those with bad intentions know they can purchase a gun without a background check.