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Florida’s Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle Recognizes Teen Driver Safety Week; Introduces New Driver-Safety Podcast.

Mon, Oct 19, 2020 at 12:00PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communications News



The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) recognizes Oct. 18-24 as National Teen Driver Safety Week. 


During this safety week, the FLHSMV is urging parents and caretakers to begin, and to continue discussing, the importance of safe driving practices with young drivers. 


“A teen’s biggest influence sits across from them at the dinner table and with them in the car every day,” said FLHSMV Executive Director Terry L. Rhodes. “Parents and caregivers play a key role in their teen driver’s success behind the wheel. Having tough conversations with your teen can be challenging, but some of the most difficult conversations are often the most important. I urge all caregivers to make an effort in regularly discussing driving risks with their teens to ensure we all Arrive Alive.”


To further driver-safety education efforts, FLHSMV recently launched the department’s first podcast – 3PointTurn – a driver-safety podcast designed to supplement the Florida Driver Handbook. The series contains 12 episodes featuring members of the Florida Highway Patrol discussing topics ranging from personal responsibility to strange situations one might encounter on Florida roadways.


FLHSMV is hopeful that the podcast will jump-start the conversation between parents and their young drivers on the importance of safe driving behaviors and also serve as a tool to prepare any type of driver for situations they will likely face during their lifetime.


For tips on how to talk to teens about driving safety, please visit FLHSMV’s teen driver webpage for shareable graphics, data, and other resources. 


Use the hashtag #WeArriveAlive throughout the week to add and share important teen driving safety information.

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