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Heroic Holly Hill officers honored for exceptional service.

Thu, Aug 03, 2023 at 12:50PM

Written by Kristen Schmutz

Belden Communication News



The Holly Hill Police Department recently acknowledged the extraordinary efforts of four officers who displayed exceptional dedication and professionalism during challenging situations. Officers Kirtsin McCorkle, Mike Rosabella, Sergeant Jason Weiss, and Investigator Andrew Barrett received honors for their courageous actions, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to their duties.

Recognized for his instrumental role in assisting the New York State Police in January 2023, Investigator Andrew Barrett was an integral player in an ongoing investigation involving the disturbing case of a 13-year-old victim exploited by a sexual trafficking ring. Though the crimes occurred in New York, the primary suspect had relocated to Holly Hill, which prompted the collaboration.

Through skilled and determined investigation, Investigator Barrett conducted a crucial interview that contributed significantly to the indictment of the suspect in the State of New York. His dedication and meticulous work proved invaluable to law enforcement agencies in New York and were pivotal in bringing the perpetrator to justice.

Investigator Barrett was also honored with the coveted "Hero of the Quarter" title during the last supervisor's meeting, for his role in a tragic shooting on August 2, 2021, at a Holly Hill apartment complex, which resulted in the death of one woman and injuries to another. Investigator Barrett took up the case, despite limited initial evidence, and through relentless determination, he developed probable cause and finally arrested a male suspect on June 23, 2023.

On July 9, 2023, at approximately 4:00 am, Officer McCorkle and Sergeant Weiss responded to a service call at the Walgreens parking lot on North Nova Road. The call involved a woman in labor who needed urgent assistance. Arriving at the scene, they found the mother positioned in the front passenger seat of a vehicle, being driven to the hospital by her parents. Demonstrating poise and empathy, the officers comforted the mother through her contractions and provided essential verbal coaching and support. Thanks to their composed demeanor and prompt actions, baby Chase was safely delivered.

Officer Mike Rosabella took charge of an investigation during an incident on July 18, 2023, at around 12:11 pm, at Holly Point Apartments on 15th Street in Holly Hill, where a familiar suspect had assaulted and threatened his girlfriend's mother with a handgun.

With tenacity and skill, Officer Rosabella established a rapport with the suspect and conducted a comprehensive interview at the Holly Hill Police Department. Employing textbook interrogation techniques, he successfully got a voluntary confession from the suspect, admitting to the heinous acts committed. The critical information gathered during the interview was instrumental in securing the suspect's arrest and paved the way for a solid prosecution.

The Holly Hill Police Department takes immense pride in honoring these exceptional officers for their dedication and outstanding service. Their commitment to protecting and serving the community has brought criminals to justice and positively impacted the lives of those in need.

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